It all started in summer, preparatory training to choose the best for the school football team, it was my first time and my last, it was my last year, my last chance to live a unique experience in an unknown country with different people , different language, but with the same love for this sport, my position was front since very small but I always wanted to be a goalkeeper since I was a child but they did not leave me because I stood out very well as a forward but everything ended when I suffered an injury in my right knee, all the chances of being a footballer or at least fighting for this were over, I had to undergo a knee surgery and months of recovery to be able to play a soccer ball again, when I came back and recovered completely I decided to do what I love, being a goalkeeper I did for 2 years and I received multiple fractures and dislocations in parts of my bones but I still loved this and continued, when I arrived and started with the team of south broward, gave the best, wanted to stay and live this experience, spending time and recovering my physical state I achieved, I could be inside and we were chosen, the best and the season was very close, we had to prepare very good for the first encounter.
9 / November / 2017 was the first game felt a lot of nerves had people watching us, it was not an excellent party we actually lost 2-1 we made many mistakes and we judged each other was not a team, it was not a family they were just some people playing a sport each with its own interest, we made mistakes that cost us the game and a lot of anger between ourselves and cost us the expulsion of one of the best central players of the team due to the reaction of anger against the bad refereeing of the match, due to this was suspended for 6 weeks and it was a very serious loss but, we had the opportunity to forget this result in a new match against MONARCH.
We arrived on 11 / November / 2017, the day of the match we were ready ready to take this match forward and that way we got the victory, it was an easy match we were superiors notoriously, the final score was 7-0 getting a great match and a great victory and raising our spirits and gathering strength for what was approaching.
The next match was against PIPER even though I played 2 games I still felt nervous, at the start of each game I knelt and pride and asked God and my best friend to help me make a great game, many times I made mistakes all by the nerves, but also had many moments of glory and making good saves in the games, this game we won again with a score of 5-0, happiness is what I felt inside of me and knew that every time I was going to do A bit more complicated and I had to improve and correct my mistakes.
We trained every day after school, the coach was a professional player, dedicated 100% to this team and believed in us and in this project called "way to states" casually our coach was a goalkeeper and I felt a little bit good given that he knew this position and how important it was for the team, we were two goalkeepers my partner was called Freddy a great man and with a lot of perseverance coach jeff trained us, in my opinion he never believed in me, he never had faith in me I looked over but did not pay attention to that I focused on wanting to be better every day, in reality none of the team believed in me, but I did not listen to them just trained and wanting to be an excellent archer, in any case, we prepared ourselves for what was came not so important games in which we got the victory but there were two in particular that approached that was vs NOVA and ST THOMAS two important games were very good and in those two we concentrated more I arrive the day.
28 / November / 2018 NOVA visited our house and we decided to get the victory we went with everything for that game, it was a tough game but nevertheless we got the 3-1 victory I had good times and my team played very well we started to be a team , our captains were good people, Nick and Damian had better communication with Damian because he spoke Spanish and he translated what the coach and others said, after this victory we knew that the next game was one of many that we wanted to play and win It was called "the classic" because of the rivalry that had always existed and because we had snatched the district trophy on several occasions and we wanted to continue doing it.
I arrived on the day of the game 30 / November / 2018 this day was my first class, I felt more nervous and just said "God help me do everything right please" I remember that the coach spoke to us and told us so much that he trusted us and believed in us and gave us a prayer for before the game, it was going to be a difficult game everyone knew that, during the first half everything was even, his goalkeeper was too good, excellent shortcut many goal options and we wasted a lot too, from my part was doing a good game but he had more work than me, at rest the coach had seen our game and knew we had it but we had to specify the goal, and he asked us, at the beginning of the second part they came in and started the game. I work for me, finishing the game with 20 minutes left, Mattie was needed on the right side, it was a dangerous shot we knew that and more I put the wall, the player shot and the ball bounced before and it was difficult for me to catch it and the I went for a rebound and the opposing player took this action and finished and made the first goal, I felt so frustrated and angry because it was my mistake, it was my fault, but my teammates supported me and gave me strength, 5 minutes later another shot would arrive free, again I put my wall and I was ready for this, but it was good the shot to a place where it did not come and that was the 2-0 was a feeling of guilt so great and minutes later the 3-0 arrived the match had just for us in just 15 minutes, it was horrible, I cried with rage and impotence I lived every game seriously I love this and always wanted to win and more this game, I remember that I was with my head down, I felt guilty, I felt bad and in a moment i listen the coach tell at me "hey put your head up, this happens to anyone do not do it again always keep your head up despite everything!" I was right and that I did come more games and ti had than to be prepared for these games and I had to learn that they were not always going to be the best for me.
They came games that we had to win and give the best of us and I knew we won the victory in the remaining games except in two that for distraction and not play as we should have lost those games were Vs Cyprees Bay and Taravella games with high performance teams like us unlike they played those games as if it were the last as we did each of us but on those two occasions we were overcome by not playing like men. it was approaching a moment that I wanted to remember for the whole life the final of districts but first we had to overcome Hollywood Hills, we did it superior defeating them with a final score of 7-1 we were clear that we wanted, it was a great match, the next step win the final Vs St Thomas we returned to see the faces now in a unique moment The Final, it was strange I did not feel nervous, I did not feel afraid, I was cold, I just wanted to raise the trophy and feel that joy, the appointment was in NOVA 6 : 00pm a lot of people went, it was true we felt like we were going to win and nothing was going to be avoided, while we warmed up and I was in the goal I watched the St Thomas goalkeeper had won a battle and I wanted to overcome it, I do not deny it was very good archer, the moment arrived and the initial whistle was heard the match started very well, we were both playing very well the two focused we knew we wanted, that day was one of my best matches, one of my best performances on coach had deposited all the confidence in me, twice avoiding the goal they hit me hard, I did not care I just wanted to win and give my best. The game was so tough that the team that scored first in two 15-minute periods went to overtime, the championship was crowned, the first half did not score, the second woe was God! I used two minutes those last two minutes I remember them and I will remember them all my life, the opposing player recovered the ball in the middle of the field, I was a little out of the area in case the ball came I could go out and clear it or make a quick goal play, in a matter of seconds the shot from the middle, back and jump but it was not possible for me to clear it and avoid the goal, again, again we vencian and this time in the final, it was a sensation of Disappointment and sadness had prepared me for this so long and this happened wao !! I felt very bad, people applaud me they recognized that I had saved the game many times before and had an ecxelente performance, I felt good because they recognized it but that did not calm the anger, helplessness, sadness, everything I felt at that moment , we saw them celebrate and jump for crowned champions was hard very hard! but it was not the last game despite the defeat we had advanced to the regional quarterfinals now our rival was Reagan High School, ecxelente team was going to do hard but I had something clear, I did not want to lose again, we arrived at the field very motivated and we wanted to win, we knew that I was going to play a very hard match but we were hungry for victory. The match started from the first minute I had a lot of work, a lot! Another of my best performances, I managed to get the ball many times in the first half that ended 0-0 at the break the coach spoke to us, he motivated us, he told us he wanted and as he trusted us, we got up motivated and with I want to score, I remember that I was very sick and I felt a lot of pain in my abdomen but I still did not care, 10 minutes after starting the second half we made the first goal, Andy Minero did it was a beautiful goal , seeing that goal I had never felt so euphoria and happiness I shouted it as if it were the final of the champions, we were getting the way to the semifinal, 15 minutes later the 2-0 came thanks to Jacob, we went to the defense and goalkeeper and I surpassed them, that moment everyone, ALL including the coaches ran to the corner and we hugged, we jumped, we shouted the happiness was obvious, there were several minutes left and Reagan wanted to score, he got it in a very confusing action in which the referee declared out of place and whistle but regretted letting the game continue and we were quiet because we knew it was out of place and the player shot and scored the goal and the goal was valid, I felt a lot of anger because it was like cheating, it was not fair, there were 5 minutes left, 5 minutes that were going to make the toughest of the game, shot several times and all those opportunities avoided the goal, in one my captain Nick almost made autogol but I managed to avoid, I was very grateful and I smiled at the nerves at that moment, the end came that moment where we all celebrated, jumped and felt great, because we were.

We felt a lot of happiness and while we were going and wanted more, when I was on the bus, I looked at the date on my cell phone, it was 07/01/2018 that day but two years and 4 months ago my best friend had died in an accident that we had in where he lost his life in front of me, always before starting a match he asked me to help him to give the best of me and to take care of me and he always did and that moment more, I cried of the emotion because I felt he was the one, I felt him and I told my coach "Hey coach you believe in los angeles, he told me of course! I told him good today a few years ago my best friend died and I know he took care of me and helped me to do everything right! said wao! those are amazing you have to thank! ", I know it was him, I know.
The coach gave us the free day after the victory we were waiting for the rival of the regional semi-final, and they informed us, it was St Thomas, if again, we were again in the semifinals of the Regionals, even more important, we played in their home, we wanted to beat them and especially there, we prepared very well, focused and wanting to win, the game was at 6:00 p.m. We arrived at his field, there were many people again was another classic, the party started and we took a great surprise, plays that we had prepared for a while ago, we made them and the first 5 minutes we made two goloes, two goals in 5 minutes, wao! It was great, it was incredible, it came a lot of work for me but I was prepared, I avoided the goal many times, but they managed to make it 2-1, but they were not able to beat us or equal us, we got the victory in their field, in front of their people It was an inexplicable joy, it was great, one of the best moments of my life, we went to the regional finals first time South broward arrived so far, we had achieved it, we were very big, the final was close and it was Vs Forest Hills good team, 1 hour and a half of trip to his field, to play this game in which we trust so much, we already felt champions and that was our mistake we did not play well, we scored a goal thanks to Damian the captain in a free kick , we were equaled missing 1 minute thanks to a defensive error and the history of the final was repeated before St. Thomas that ghost had not left me in peace, the game was defined in penalties, where Captain Damian and Rubens did not score and I just took a shot, the number 10 of forest hills was commissioned to collect the last penalty and it made me beat and they were crowned champions of regionals, and again they took away the title from my hands, I felt a lot of sadness and pain, we left quickly and we did not speak, the Coach sent us a message and we were motivated, but it was not enough, but I lived one of the best experiences of my life at the side of my bulldogs.
Moments of glory :
They came games that we had to win and give the best of us and I knew we won the victory in the remaining games except in two that for distraction and not play as we should have lost those games were Vs Cyprees Bay and Taravella games with high performance teams like us unlike they played those games as if it were the last as we did each of us but on those two occasions we were overcome by not playing like men. it was approaching a moment that I wanted to remember for the whole life the final of districts but first we had to overcome Hollywood Hills, we did it superior defeating them with a final score of 7-1 we were clear that we wanted, it was a great match, the next step win the final Vs St Thomas we returned to see the faces now in a unique moment The Final, it was strange I did not feel nervous, I did not feel afraid, I was cold, I just wanted to raise the trophy and feel that joy, the appointment was in NOVA 6 : 00pm a lot of people went, it was true we felt like we were going to win and nothing was going to be avoided, while we warmed up and I was in the goal I watched the St Thomas goalkeeper had won a battle and I wanted to overcome it, I do not deny it was very good archer, the moment arrived and the initial whistle was heard the match started very well, we were both playing very well the two focused we knew we wanted, that day was one of my best matches, one of my best performances on coach had deposited all the confidence in me, twice avoiding the goal they hit me hard, I did not care I just wanted to win and give my best. The game was so tough that the team that scored first in two 15-minute periods went to overtime, the championship was crowned, the first half did not score, the second woe was God! I used two minutes those last two minutes I remember them and I will remember them all my life, the opposing player recovered the ball in the middle of the field, I was a little out of the area in case the ball came I could go out and clear it or make a quick goal play, in a matter of seconds the shot from the middle, back and jump but it was not possible for me to clear it and avoid the goal, again, again we vencian and this time in the final, it was a sensation of Disappointment and sadness had prepared me for this so long and this happened wao !! I felt very bad, people applaud me they recognized that I had saved the game many times before and had an ecxelente performance, I felt good because they recognized it but that did not calm the anger, helplessness, sadness, everything I felt at that moment , we saw them celebrate and jump for crowned champions was hard very hard! but it was not the last game despite the defeat we had advanced to the regional quarterfinals now our rival was Reagan High School, ecxelente team was going to do hard but I had something clear, I did not want to lose again, we arrived at the field very motivated and we wanted to win, we knew that I was going to play a very hard match but we were hungry for victory. The match started from the first minute I had a lot of work, a lot! Another of my best performances, I managed to get the ball many times in the first half that ended 0-0 at the break the coach spoke to us, he motivated us, he told us he wanted and as he trusted us, we got up motivated and with I want to score, I remember that I was very sick and I felt a lot of pain in my abdomen but I still did not care, 10 minutes after starting the second half we made the first goal, Andy Minero did it was a beautiful goal , seeing that goal I had never felt so euphoria and happiness I shouted it as if it were the final of the champions, we were getting the way to the semifinal, 15 minutes later the 2-0 came thanks to Jacob, we went to the defense and goalkeeper and I surpassed them, that moment everyone, ALL including the coaches ran to the corner and we hugged, we jumped, we shouted the happiness was obvious, there were several minutes left and Reagan wanted to score, he got it in a very confusing action in which the referee declared out of place and whistle but regretted letting the game continue and we were quiet because we knew it was out of place and the player shot and scored the goal and the goal was valid, I felt a lot of anger because it was like cheating, it was not fair, there were 5 minutes left, 5 minutes that were going to make the toughest of the game, shot several times and all those opportunities avoided the goal, in one my captain Nick almost made autogol but I managed to avoid, I was very grateful and I smiled at the nerves at that moment, the end came that moment where we all celebrated, jumped and felt great, because we were.

We felt a lot of happiness and while we were going and wanted more, when I was on the bus, I looked at the date on my cell phone, it was 07/01/2018 that day but two years and 4 months ago my best friend had died in an accident that we had in where he lost his life in front of me, always before starting a match he asked me to help him to give the best of me and to take care of me and he always did and that moment more, I cried of the emotion because I felt he was the one, I felt him and I told my coach "Hey coach you believe in los angeles, he told me of course! I told him good today a few years ago my best friend died and I know he took care of me and helped me to do everything right! said wao! those are amazing you have to thank! ", I know it was him, I know.
The coach gave us the free day after the victory we were waiting for the rival of the regional semi-final, and they informed us, it was St Thomas, if again, we were again in the semifinals of the Regionals, even more important, we played in their home, we wanted to beat them and especially there, we prepared very well, focused and wanting to win, the game was at 6:00 p.m. We arrived at his field, there were many people again was another classic, the party started and we took a great surprise, plays that we had prepared for a while ago, we made them and the first 5 minutes we made two goloes, two goals in 5 minutes, wao! It was great, it was incredible, it came a lot of work for me but I was prepared, I avoided the goal many times, but they managed to make it 2-1, but they were not able to beat us or equal us, we got the victory in their field, in front of their people It was an inexplicable joy, it was great, one of the best moments of my life, we went to the regional finals first time South broward arrived so far, we had achieved it, we were very big, the final was close and it was Vs Forest Hills good team, 1 hour and a half of trip to his field, to play this game in which we trust so much, we already felt champions and that was our mistake we did not play well, we scored a goal thanks to Damian the captain in a free kick , we were equaled missing 1 minute thanks to a defensive error and the history of the final was repeated before St. Thomas that ghost had not left me in peace, the game was defined in penalties, where Captain Damian and Rubens did not score and I just took a shot, the number 10 of forest hills was commissioned to collect the last penalty and it made me beat and they were crowned champions of regionals, and again they took away the title from my hands, I felt a lot of sadness and pain, we left quickly and we did not speak, the Coach sent us a message and we were motivated, but it was not enough, but I lived one of the best experiences of my life at the side of my bulldogs.
Moments of glory :
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